We start wallpapering by carefully measuring the height of the wall – from floor to ceiling or to the specified height at which the wallpaper should end. It is important to measure each strip of wallpaper separately, especially in old buildings, where the height of the walls may differ by up to several centimeters. Add a few centimeters to the measured wallpaper length. In the meantime, we mix the glue. The wallpaper strips prepared in this way can be numbered on the inside of the wallpaper. When marking where to cut the wallpaper, remember that in the case of single-color or finely textured wallpapers, all panels will be identical. However, when gluing wallpaper with a large variety of patterns, all wallpaper strips must match each other in pattern.

Place the prepared wallpaper strips on the table and apply glue using a roller or brush. Fold the greased wallpaper in a ratio of 2/3 from the top and 1/3 from the bottom and set aside for a few minutes to allow the glue to soak into the wallpaper. In the case of non-woven wallpaper, we spread glue on the wall and stick the dry wallpaper to the wall covered with glue.

It is best to start wallpapering from a window or other permanent light source. We stick the wallpaper strips from the top, with an allowance of a few centimeters at the top and bottom, which we then cut off with a knife. This ensures that the upper and lower edges of the wallpaper are even. Press the glued board with a rubber roller from the center to the edges to squeeze out excess glue and air. Remove excess glue with a damp sponge or cloth.